The Belonging We Create When We Pursue Wildness and Enchantment Side By Side

It was more than seven years ago that I was invited to join a group of women exploring the unknown edges of eros, pleasure, and community.


When I stepped into this group, I knew I’d learn something about my body, my pleasure, my orgasm, but I never could have predicted the larger impact.


In this group of women, I found belonging. True, deep, in my bones, whole body-heart-mind belonging. Not only was all of me welcome and invited, it was demanded that I bring to the table all the parts, places, feelings, and experiences I had learned were better kept to myself.


Because all of that was a necessary part of the ecology of the group. All of me was a necessary part of the ecology; keeping it cordoned off, deep in the cages I’d built in myself was helping no one, and in fact likely harming us all.


When we include our sexuality and our bodies in community in the ways the Verdant Collective will; when we dare to include this secret, private, sometimes scorned part of ourselves, it opens the door to a level of intimacy, trust, truth-telling, accountability, fierceness, compassion, challenge, and love that I’ve not experienced elsewhere in community.


This isn’t simply about learning how to experience more pleasure, although that will likely occur. It’s about the bonds we create when we pursue wildness and enchantment side by side. The truth we commit when we stand naked, look one another in the eye, and roar or whisper our pleasure-grief-longing with fire in our bellies and tears streaming down our cheeks. And the belonging we can find when we step out of our cages and into one another’s arms.


If you want this, need this, just realized that it’s what you’ve always been looking for, head over here to learn more and apply. We would love to have you join us.


Revolutionary Touch


What was the Particular Narrative of Your Disenchantment?